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Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy explains how we use “cookies” and similar technologies on our website and in our emails (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”). It is meant to assist you with your interactions on the Site and communications with us. Please read the Cookie Policy carefully. You should also read this cookie notice in conjunction with our terms of use.

We may occasionally revise our Cookie Policy. This could be for a number of reasons, such as to reflect changes in the law, how we conduct business, or accommodate a change in cookie use. We advise that you check here frequently for any changes to our Cookie Policy.

Website - Pixels and Cookies
Our Site uses cookies and similar technologies (such as tracking pixels) to enhance user experience and execute digital marketing campaigns.

Cookies and similar technologies
A cookie is a small data file stored on your browser or hard drive that helps to streamline your experience when visiting our site by saving you from having to re-enter information, improving site search speeds, and allowing us to understand how customers use our site for future improvements. Cookies contain information transferred to your computer's hard drive.

Other similar technologies include scripts, tracking pixels, and plugins, which can record information such as the time, location, operating system of the device used to read an email, or information on our site. Cookies are not used to collect sensitive information like payment details or passwords.

By using our site, you consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies as detailed below. If you do not consent to their use, please disable them using your browser or our Preference Center, or refrain from using our site.

Additionally, when we link to other websites not operated by us, those websites may place different cookies on your device. You should review the applicable privacy/cookie information in the third party's terms of use/terms of service. Some applications, such as your browser, also store cookies on your device. Even when signing into Google Chrome without using a Google account (refer to the "Google Chrome Cookies" section).

Third-party cookies have their own management settings, so you will need to configure these within the applications themselves. For more information on cookies and related technologies, please refer to "All About Cookies." In the remainder of this policy, we use terms like "cookie" and "cookie technologies" to refer to the aforementioned technologies.

Cookies expiration period
・Session cookies
These are temporary cookies created during a browsing session and are deleted when the browser is closed.
・Persistent cookie
These cookies are designed to be retained for a specific duration, depending on the program that installs the cookie. Persistent cookies remain on the browser until their specified expiration date or until the user deletes them manually.

Purpose of using cookies
Cookies are used to provide a high-quality and convenient online shopping experience. They also enhance the relevance of marketing communications by monitoring customer interactions with the site, ensuring that the site meets customer needs. On our site, we use cookies to distinguish you from other users, thereby providing a better browsing experience and enabling improvements to the overall site.

Types of cookies
・Essential cookies
These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly, including functionalities such as logging in and adding items to the cart.
・analytics cookies
These cookies help understand how you interact with the website, allowing us to identify areas for improvement based on this data.
・Personalization cookies
These cookies store details of actions to personalize your next visit to the website.
・Marketing cookies
These cookies are used to optimize marketing communications and display advertisements on other websites.

Consent for cookie usage
Essential cookies – We do not require your consent to store and access essential cookies on your device. However, you can still block or delete them (see below).

Other (Non-Essential) cookies – We require your consent to store and access non-essential cookies on your device. You are not obligated to consent to the use of non-essential cookies. If you change your mind after giving consent, you can delete cookies already placed (see below).

To learn more about each individual cookie used on our site and their purposes, please visit our Cookie Settings Center. You can freely manage your consent settings for cookies there.

Refusal, Blocking, Deletion of cookies
To use specific areas of our site, you need to allow certain essential or functional cookies. Blocking or deleting these cookies may prevent access to certain areas.

You can block cookies by enabling browser settings that refuse all or some cookie settings. However, blocking all cookies (including essential cookies) using browser settings may prevent access to all or parts of our site.

Options for managing cookie settings include the following:

Through our site's cookie settings center
When you access our site, we may ask for your consent to use non-essential cookies. For instance, if you delete cookies from your browser or if there is a need for renewed consent, we may request consent again.

When seeking consent, you can provide consent for all non-essential cookies you wish to use, or adjust cookie settings using the Cookie Settings Center (where you can provide consent only for selected non-essential cookies). Additionally, you can use the Cookie Settings Center to modify settings, change preferences, or withdraw consent at any time.

Essential cookies, which are crucial for the operation of our site, may be used without requiring your consent, and these cookies cannot be managed through the Cookie Settings Center.

Using browser settings or other tools
By deselecting the option to "Allow cookies" in your browser settings, you can control the use of cookies on our site. For detailed instructions on managing cookies, including how to block and delete cookies in various browsers, please refer to "All About Cookies."

Some cookies are set by third-party web browsers and applications that you use to access our site (see "About Cookies in Google Chrome"). We cannot control these third-party applications, so you'll need to manage cookies using the relevant third-party application.

If you prefer not to be tracked by Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (note that this add-on works only on certain browsers). For more details on Google Analytics and cookie usage, refer to Google's Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement.

About Google Chrome cookies
When accessing sites through Google applications such as Google Chrome, Google collects user information to provide tailored ads across multiple devices. Our site utilizes Google services, and Google may place advertising cookies on visitors' devices for this purpose. However, since these cookies are placed by Google for their own purposes, we do not control when or how they are set. If you prefer not to receive these cookies, you will need to opt out through Google's settings. For more detailed information about these cookies, please refer to the following link:。
Please note that similar tools may be used in other browsers as well, so please be aware of this possibility.

The main technologies used in email
Our emails may contain cookies or similar technologies such as tracking pixels. The cookies in our emails serve similar functions as cookies on our website. These technologies inform us whether an email has been opened and help us understand interactions with the content. Clicking on links in emails containing these cookies may later match your contact information with emails from our sources or related cookies. If you allow images to display, cookies may be set on your computer or mobile device. Additionally, clicking on links in emails may set cookies. You can prevent further use of these cookies by closing the email without downloading its content after opening it and by refraining from clicking on any links.